Exorbyte Explains Its Strengths

January 4, 2011

What Makes Exorbyte Commerce So Good (The Nature of Ecommerce Search)” lays out the reasons why a good search tool is essential for any commercial website, saying,  “Because of the ubiquity of Google with the Web, more and more people are actually using the search bar as their sole tool to navigate a website and find the product they’re looking for.”

I couldn’t agree more as I myself am not one to browse around, or heaven forbid, watch “animation or short movies” to find what I want to purchase.  The post goes on to say that  “It is imperative, in order to capture a sale, and in order to engender brand loyalty, for the search box to be error tolerant, extremely quick, and extremely user friendly.”

Obviously, Amazon figured this out a long time ago, but as the post points out, this type of super-sharp search “often runs into the five and six figures.”  Not exactly within reach of even a medium-size site, but Exorbyte Commerce promises to provide this service without the exorbitant cost.  An interesting approach, and one that sounds like it will provide the stickiness of the big-time to even a modest player online.

Alice Wasielewski, January 4, 2011



4 Responses to “Exorbyte Explains Its Strengths”

  1. Otis Gospodnetic on January 4th, 2011 11:43 pm

    … and this is why we have:
    * AutoComplete that is fast, customizable (e.g. show thumbnails of product pictures along with suggestions), capable of handling misspellings/typos, etc.
    * DYM ReSearcher that saves users from the dreaded “no matches, go check your query with the spellchecker first” situations that frustrate potential customers
    * etc.

    You can see both of these in action on http://search-lucene.com/ and http://search-hadoop.com/ . Not ecommerce site by any means, but still handy for demos.

    Oh, and this is of course why Mozilla and Chrome browsers are now smart about looking up your site visiting history when you start typing a part of the URL or title or … in the URL field. Very much like AutoComplete sort of functionality.

  2. Dan Lesage on January 5th, 2011 12:47 pm


    Thanks so much for mentioning my post! I’ll be blogging from time to time my thoughts on search and the small to medium e-commerce market (when I am not engaged in selling the product, that is) and welcome any discussions that result as a product of that.

    Best of Luck in the New Year,

    Dan Lesage
    Sales Manager, Exorbyte, Inc.

  3. Stephen E. Arnold on January 6th, 2011 10:39 am

    Otis Gospodnetic,

    Thanks for the comment. We agree again.

    Stephen E Arnold, January 6, 2011

  4. Dan Lesage on January 11th, 2011 6:44 pm

    Hello All,

    Here is the 2nd part, as promised, to this blog post.

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