OpenText Cares

January 5, 2011

Vendors claim that their clients are the most important parts of their companies. They back up this claim with automated customer service hotlines and technical support that creates more answers than questions. OpenText/NStein has released a press statement to assure their clients that they will be treated with respect and care: “OpenText/Nstein’s ongoing commitment to our WCM’s customers.” Here’s a snippet:

“When you contact your Customer Care Center, we readily check for improvements that may have been made for your version of WCM and often customize existing patches for your needs. These patches and fixes are all based on improvements built in the newer versions of WCM; they were ultimately inspired by your ideas and suggestions to the Customer Care Centre and our long experience in content management.”

We find that statements about ongoing commitments are thought provoking. Why make them if the commitment is evident to licensees?  Just a question to consider.

Whitney Grace, January 5, 2011



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