Any.Do for Voice to Device Actions Technology

January 10, 2011

When I was running around Central America a week ago, I received from one of my two or three readers a link to a story in VC Cafe with the title “Stealthy Startup Raises $1 Million Seed Round for Voice Mobile Commands. There is precious little information about the company available, but the article mentioned two individuals who have pumped some dough into the outfit. One is Google’s Eric Schmidt and the other is Joe Londsdale, a founder of Palantir. There are some other smart money investors, but I find the Schmidt and Londsdale references most interesting.


What’s do?

Based on what information I have, one talks to a mobile device and the Any.Do technology figures out what one says. With this information, Any.Do makes the instructions happen. Here’s VC Cafe’s summary:

[Any.Do is] developing technology to translate the user’s natural language voice input to the mobile device into actions, using voice recognition and semantic analysis algorithms…. AnyDo is capable of understanding subtle differences, such as the ability to purchase a product offline vs. online, pay bills on the mobile, purchase insurance, etc, using voice commands on the mobile.

The company’s Web site says, “Any.Do helps you do more of the things you love doing.” You can sign up to get information about the company at

I learned that Any.Do has developed an application for Android. Any.Do seems poised to release a product something this year. If it gets magnetic, maybe the Google will buy the company. I heard that at least one Googler works at the company now.

Stephen E Arnold, January 10, 2011



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