Google and Local Search Commitment

January 17, 2011

Google re-loads and takes aim, this time at Facebook.  “Google’s Mobile Matchmaker” reports on an interview with Marissa Mayer, Google’s executive in charge of “local” products.  For Google “local” includes, maps, mobile, and even social activities.  “Contextual discovery,” giving automatic location-based information, or “search without search” as she calls it, is the basis of the way Mayer seeks to knock Facebook off its pedestal.  Google is working on taking the location information and adding social contextual information, such as showing a person in a restaurant the menu with annotations from friends or regular customers of the venue.  When asked if Google might work with Facebook on some of these social applications, Mayer demurred, citing Facebook’s closed nature versus Google’s support of the open web.  Instead, Mayer pointed to the Google social-esque alternatives such as Google Latitude, an application that follows the physical location of someone on a map.  The social implications seem obvious: “Once you tell Google who your friends are on Latitude, that same information might eventually be used for other services like socially marked-up menus, if you permitted it. The point is that Google may have more ways to acquire social information than just by building its own competing social network.”  My view is that Facebook may have reached its peak and is ripe for a serious alternative  The idea of friends’ LoJacking on Latitude doesn’t appeal to me, but then I’m not a FourSquare fan either.  Facebook, watch out, Google’s war is underway.

Alice Wasielewski, January 17, 2011



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