Semantics, Here, Now!

January 17, 2011

Semantics are the means of taming the Internet search and information sources. Bulldog Solutions discusses semantics in the article, “Semantics Here and Now” by Seth Grimes. He reasonably argues that semantics are the key to web mining, customer engagement, and social-media analytics, but we haven’t reached the ultimate dream yet.

Grimes relates that semantics have a limited touchstone on which to base their information. By this, he means that search engines use semantics in a general sense and they’re not intended for a specific purpose/organization unless told to do so.

“These engines are great, but they’re not much help with information that resides in your organization’s own databases and operational systems, whether web-facing or accessible only to internal users. The ranking algorithms aren’t designed for enterprise priorities, the crawlers don’t reach into restricted-access systems and the interfaces don’t suit business workflows well. General-purpose tools aren’t top performers for focused business tasks such as supporting online storefronts and searching media sites.”

Semantics with a more personal touch are on their way, though. Grimes is already helping a couple enterprises with this idea and he says the market is now prime it. All you need to do is change how you view and give out information.

Whitney Grace, January 17, 2011



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