Relevancy and Meaning in New Media

March 6, 2011

In the recent article “Finding Influencers and Influential Events On The Social Web”, an IBM expert for hire expounds on the complexities of analytical solutions in the face of Big Data quandaries.

While attending the recent IBM mega-conference in Orlando, the author found himself in the audience during a discussion of the detailed examination practices applied to the communal media landscape via industry upstarts and innovations. Citing examples such as Klout (the four year old California=based firm that specializes in gauging online influence), he explains the importance of understanding the relationships bred from this form of contact as well as the consistencies therein and its value to new programs and services.

The concentration should not be on models of contact alone, the examination of themes must be a factor as well. This is especially difficult on a technological level given the nuances that exist within speech. Another issue that must be addressed is how to determine individual pertinence. The ability to impact the commercial spectrum, even at one hundred and forty characters or less, can transpire despite an individual’s mastery of a subject. On the plains of communal media, everyone’s voice carries.

One of the more surprising elements of the article was the omission of any reference to the two companies, Attensity and Lexalytics, thought to be leading this new charge of semantic review and management. Could this be an indication of a shift within the industry? Curious indeed.

Micheal Cory, March 6, 2011


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