Rosette Linguistics Platform Releases Latest Version

March 10, 2011

Basis Technology has announced its most recent release if its Rosette Linguistics Platform. Rosette is the firm’s multilingual text analytics software. Among the features of the new release is the addition of Finnish, Hebrew, Thai, and Turkish to the system’s 24 language capability. One point that we noted is that this release of Rosette sports an interesting mix of compatible search engines. According to the Basis Tech announcement:

“Bundled connectors enable applications built with Apache Lucene, Apache Solr, dtSearch Text Retrieval Engine, and LucidWorks Enterprise to incorporate advanced linguistic capabilities, including document language identification, multilingual search, entity extraction, and entity resolution.”

Several observations seem warranted. First, Basis Tech is moving beyond providing linguistic functionality. The company is pushing into text analytics and search. Second, Basis Tech is supporting commercial and open source search systems; namely, the SharePoint centric dtSearch and the Lucid Imagination’s open source solution.

The question becomes, “What is the business trajectory of Basis Tech? Will it become a competitor to the vendors with which the company has worked for many years? Will it morph into a new type of linguistic-centric analytics firm?” Stay tuned.

Cynthia Murrell, March 10, 2011



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