Evil, Crafty Consultants Exposed

April 20, 2011

Short honk: If you aspire to be a consultant, you will want to read “Seven Dirty Consultant Tricks (and How to Avoid Them).” On the other hand, if you are trying to improve your dirty consultant tricks, you will want to implement each tactic. With unemployed Web masters, journalists, and art history majors in abundance, it is nice to think that an information technology publication focused on “real” information would run this type of how to. Once in a while the goose and goslings in Harrod’s Creek sell a consulting job. I will double check, but I think we are just back woods’ experts lacking such sophisticated tricks. Maybe a training session is needed? I will print out a copy of the Atlantic article published in 2006 which explains how a person became a highly paid consultant with a degree in 19th century philosophy. Art history majors, rejoice! Consulting may be a variant of art forgery.

Stephen E Arnold, April 20, 2011



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