Autonomy Financials via a Mid Tier Consultant

April 23, 2011

In my email this morning, was a short item that pointed me to Autonomy’s 2011, first quarter financial results. I took a quick look at the top line revenues, multiplied by four and concluded:

  • Autonomy has a better than even chance of breaking $1 billion in revenue before the end of its current fiscal year
  • Autonomy was growing and rolling out new products and services, including an interesting medical and health product, other vendors of search were floundering (Google), giving away search as part of bundles and other deals (Microsoft, Oracle), struggling to be findable by potential customers (Thunderstone, a search vendor whose name is now used by a band and a game), or repositioning themselves to be something other than a vendor of enterprise search (Brainware for scanning, Coveo for customer support).
  • Autonomy was reporting growth in its various of lines of business at a decent rate; 28 percent organic growth if I read the report correctly.

The story was ignored by most of the financial wizards who monitor search for the bottom tier and mid tier consulting firms. I read one “analysis” from an outfit called Gerson Lehrman Group which was written by a single individual but presented with a royal “we”. What struck me was that individuals seem happy pontificating about search, financials, and a darned complex technology using sentences that remind me of the rhetoric for the royal wedding. Wedding coverage has more substance than analyses of enterprise search I think.

In my new landscape of search study for, I analyze Autonomy, finding enough bone and gristle to fill 13 pages with technical goodies, comments, and critical evaluation of a company that blew past Convera, Delphes, Endeca, Entopia, Fast Search & Transfer, Powerset, Radar Networks, and a bunch of others.

If you want a free run down on what Autonomy has been doing in the last two years, just do the query “Autonomy” in the search box on the splash page of this blog or click this link. We changed our search results display to make it easier for users to get a sense of search vendor activities. For the more timely information, click this link for my free Overflight “what’s happening” report.

Stephen E Arnold, April 23, 2011

Freebie unlike low and mid tier consulting services


One Response to “Autonomy Financials via a Mid Tier Consultant”

  1. erp solutions: Configuring SAP ERP Financials and Controlling | erp solutions on April 27th, 2011 12:09 am

    […] Autonomy Financials via a Mid Tier Consultant : Beyond Search […]

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