Ahoy, Some Pirates Wear Dresses

June 2, 2011

ReadWriteWeb reports, “Survey Finds E-Book Piracy Occurs Among a Surprising Demographic.” The Digital Entertainment Survey is conducted annually by Wiggin, a British law firm. According to it, one in eight female e-reader owners over 35 admits to downloading at least one illegal e-book copy. Quite a surprise from the older female demo!

The article observes,

“If copyright infringement is indeed becoming more popular among an age group that’s never really participated in digital piracy, that’s certainly bad news for publishers. . . . After all, it isn’t just women over 35 that are putting unlicensed content on their e-readers. Across all ages and both genders, some 29% of e-reader owners admitted that they pirate books. And for tablet owners, that number is even higher – 36%. It doesn’t stop there: 25% of these people said they planned to continue to download pirated material.

So women aren’t the only ones, but now we know many of them are indeed crooks. At least women crooks are nicer. And they read. In general, women pirates may be better dressed, more polite, and more skilled at negotiating than the average cut throat.

Cynthia Murrell, June 2, 2011

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