Google Strikes Sparkbuy

June 4, 2011

Search Engine Watch reports “Google Buys Electronics Search Engine Sparkbuy.” The innovators behind the young startup seem surprised at their success. Though declining to reveal details about the deal, the company has posted a giddy letter to its customers on its Web site.

The Search Engine Watch article explains Sparkbuy’s service:

Built in late 2010 and launched just two months ago in March, Shapiro created the VC and angel-backed Sparkbuy because ‘using traditional search engines such as Bing and Google to search for laptops, TVs or other electronics is kind of like trying to find a needle in a haystack.’ Sparkbuy is to consumer electronics search what Expedia or Kayak are to travel search.

The news was timely for the Sparkbuy team, because they had begun to grasp how widely their methodology could apply if they but had the resources.

Voila! Now they will be working at Google to bring their algorithmic talents beyond electronics, starting with Advisor, Google’s new mortgage, credit card, and bank account comparison site.

Congratulations, guys. Will you work on your product or are you Google human resources?

Cynthia Murrell, June 4, 2011

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