Digital Reasoning Adds Chinese Support to Synthesys

June 9, 2011

Digital Reasoning Introduces Chinese Language Support for Big Data Analytics,” announces the company’s press release. This latest advance from the natural language wizards acknowledges the growing prevalence of Chinese on the Web. The support augments their premiere product, Synthesys:

“Synthesys can now analyze the unstructured data from a variety of sources in both English and Chinese to uncover potential threats, fraud, and political unrest. By automating this process, intelligence analysts can gain actionable intelligence in context quickly and without translation.”

This key development is the sort of thing that makes us view Digital Reasoning as a break out company in content processing. Their math-based approach to natural language analytics puts them ahead of the curve in this increasingly important field. Synthesis has become an essential tool for government agencies and businesses alike.

This support for Chinese is just the beginning. Rob Metcalf, President and COO, knows that “the next generation of Big Data solutions for unstructured data will need to natively support the world’s most widely spoken languages.”

We’re delighted to see Digital Reasoning continue to excel.

Cynthia Murrell June 8, 2011

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