The SoLoMo Angle for Google

June 15, 2011

We wanted to highlight a great Google acronym. Google’s Executive Chairman, Eric Schmidt, was interviewed recently at the D9 conference and answered some tough questions as reported in SEW’s ” Eric Schmidt on Search Result Answers, Social Failures & Google Offers Launch.”

Opining on topics that “…ranged from a new approach to answering questions in search results, to Google’s social media failures, and the launch of Google Offers,” Schmidt openly admitted responsibility for his flubs, particularly in the social venue. He indicated that Google searches would be evolving from link-based answers to algorithmically-based answers. Mr. Schmidt allegedly said:

The future of Google is “SoLoMo — social, local, and mobile;”

This is a wonderful buzzword and it meshes nicely with the assertion that that Google counts itself among the four top brands of the post-PC era excluding Microsoft.

Google is moving down the me-to lane at the innovation supermarket. The company rolled out Google Offers. This is an online deal service which reminds me of the Groupon and LivingSocial service, the Yellow Pages service, the Courier-Journal’s service, and a number of other online deal plays.

Yep, “SoLoMo”.

Stephen E Arnold, June 15, 2011

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