Booz, Allen: Alleged Security Misstep

July 13, 2011

Anonymous Leaks 90,000 Military Email Accounts in Latest #AntiSec Attack” caught my eye. The story points out that Booz, Allen seems to have been caught with its security Brooks Brothers suit pants down. The story said:

The leak, dubbed ‘Military Meltdown Monday,’ includes 90,000 logins of military personnel—including personnel from US CENTCOM, SOCOM, the Marine Corps, various Air Force facilities, Homeland Security, State Department staff, and what looks like private sector contractors. Their correspondences could include exchanges with Booz Allen’s highly brassy staff of retired defense folk: current execs include three former Directors of National Intelligence and one former head of the CIA. Anon was also kind enough to gut 4 GB of source code from Booz Allen’s servers. Anon cites the firm’s alleged complicity in the SWIFT financial monitoring program as at least partial motive for the attack.

I used to work at Booz, Allen & Hamilton. Happier times. One of my goslings quipped, “Is this the same Bozo, Allen where you worked?” Happily I pointed out that my tenure took place when there was one highly regarded firm, no debt, and no allegations of broken toes with regard to security. I hope the story is incorrect.

Stephen E Arnold, July 13, 2011

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