Quote to Note: Xoogler on Management

July 14, 2011

Quote to note: The juicy item appeared in “Facebook Exec: Google Is Blocking My Book.” I saw a presentation about social circles and then I heard a pundit talk about “the rings of Saturn.” Good idea, but I sort of figured out the notion of hierarchical clustering a while ago. Tucked in the article, however, was a keeper for my “Quotes” folder. Here she be:

… I wasn’t being listened to when it came to executing that strategy. My peers listened intently, but persuading the leadership was a losing battle. Google values technology, not social science. I also moved because the culture had changed dramatically in the few years I was at Google. It became much more bureaucratic and political.

I find this interesting because it suggests that sharp employees are allegedly suffering from bureaucracy. I find the notion of controlled chaos spawning a bureaucracy fascinating. Oxymoron does not do the clash of concepts justice. I thought about the “listen” reference, but I won’t go there.

Stephen E Arnold, July 14, 2011

A freebie. No sponsor. Sigh.


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