A Big Market Goes Beyond Google

July 22, 2011

Google may reign supreme in the US and other countries when it comes to the search engine world but they haven’t achieved world dominance just yet. According to the Search Engine Watch article “In China, Baidu Continues Search Market Domination Over Google,” Google’s position continues to decline in China’s growing search market. “While Google’s share fell from 19.2 percent to 18.9 percent, Baidu’s share grew to 75.9 percent, up slightly from 75.8 percent in Q1.”

Even as recent as 2009 numbers showed that Google held 35.6 percent of China’s search market compared to Baidu’s 58.4 percent. However, Google has seen a steady decline due to clashes with China’s government. Amid censorship battles as well as alleged Gmail hacking accusations, Google began to redirect its searches to Hong Kong.

On the bright side Google’s Android operating system “runs on about half of all new smartphones sold – roughly 5 million units per quarter.” And helps keeps them alive in China’s market. The search engine Sogou which grew to 2.4 percent aims to overtake Google’s spot within a year. It is an ambitious goal but even with their numbers declining one can be sure that Google is not waving the white flag just yet.

And there is Jike.com. It indexes ArnoldIT.com too.

Stephen E Arnold, July 22, 2011

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