Knowledge Assessment: InQuira and IBM

July 24, 2011

Banner relates an interesting case study of their work for InQuira in its piece, “The Future Is Closer Than You Think, and Qualified Leads.” The technology marketing specialists at Banner developed the online Knowledge Assessment Tool as a way for InQuira to engage potential clients. The write up explains:

“It worked by enabling visitors to determine their current level of KM [Knowledge Management] preparedness and understanding through a series of questions. They could then review this score against their specific industry (as well as against all industries). Respondents could view their results online as well as have them sent to their inbox as a custom-generated PDF file. These results were viewable as a spider diagram (to make them easier to digest and show how they related to the industry as a whole) and were accompanied by a set of InQuira best practice information.”

The hope, of course, is that many of the respondents would then turn to the knowledge management experts at InQuira for help in improving their score.

Bonus: IBM offered to co-brand the software and deliver it to its own database. As of the date of the article, the tool had been 241 times in 52 countries; that’s success the company is happy to boast about. No word about Watson in this knowledge space, however.

Cynthia Murrell July 24, 2011

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