A Google Plus Index Transition?

August 12, 2011

A few weeks after the Google Plus launch, Senior VP at Google Vic Gundotra is addressing feedback and criticism of the new social platform. Google Plus itself is a transition for Google, a move from their trademark keyword indexing and a move toward the trendy social tagging. In “Google Plus Is Being Changed This Week Based on User Feedback,” Google’s next move is discussed.

You may think Google could sit back and watch the Google Plus network grow, but that would be a mistake. The search company has realized it can’t just watch what happens, it needs to respond to users quickly in order to keep them happy and the network growing. While the general view of Google Plus is a positive one, there’s also a lot of criticism and user feedback of which Google is about to tackle.

Google is no doubt remembering failed ventures like Buzz and Wave while striving to make Google plus a lasting service. Another possible motivation is worth considering. Does Google see the end of the era of indexing? With social media placing more and more importance on social meaning within a given context, perhaps tagging is becoming more relevant than keyword indexing. If this is indeed the case, Google no doubt hopes to insure their dominance for the next generation through Google Plus.

Emily Rae Aldridge, August 11, 2011

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