Kroll in the UK and Its Content Technology

September 14, 2011

The recent disturbances in London have lead UK Prime Minister David Cameron to reach across the pond to consult Kroll Chairman and former American police chief, William Bratton on preventing gang related violence and building safer communities. There’s nothing like an outside US expert to come to the aid of our British cousins.

Altergrity, a specialized law enforcement training company and owner of Kroll, quoted Mr. Bratton in an Aug 12, Media Release:

I would certainly be in a position to discuss the contemporary American experience and my work in these areas – in particular the successes that created real reductions in gang-related crime in Boston, New York and most recently in Los Angeles, where we also saw significant improvements in the relations between the police and the city’s diverse communities. There are many lessons from these experiences that I believe are relevant to the current situation in England.

Based on this release, Mr. Bratton appears confident in his abilities to solve the world’s security concerns. We hope that UK police and civilians are equally secure in the role that his company takes in dispelling the violence affecting their country. If you want some basic information about the types of search and content processing tools that Mr. Bratton brings to his engagements, navigate to the interview with former Kroll wizard David Chaplin here. This is quite impressive technology.

Jasmine Ashton, September 14, 2011

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