Relevance: Once Ignored, Now a Core Issue

September 23, 2011

The Google recipe for its Web site placement order for searches is closely guarded despite the company’s open-source policy. The article, Google Discusses Their Algorithm Change Process, on Search Engine Journal, explains the lengthy and arduous process Googlers must go through in the quest for search engine impact.

Google explains that they must guard the algorithms to keep the manipulation of its numerical recipes which contain mathematical formulas and secret sauce, within Google defined boundaries. In fact, an entire industry has grown up around trying to crack Google’s search algorithms in an effort to bolster one’s relevance in Google’s recipe. Google isn’t just sitting around; rather, the company is constantly updating and tweaking their algorithms. We learned:

Each idea is based on improving the user experience, but not every idea actually shows a positive user impact; while over 500 changes were made last year, over 20,000 experiments were conducted in that same time period. The key takeaway is that, while it’s a good idea to pay attention to experiments, only a small cut will ever become a part of the standard – and, with 500 changes a year, even those alterations are subject to reversal.

With many changes occurring behind the curtain, how are Web masters who want users to find their content to achieve findability? Although 500 changes may be made in a year, not all of them (hardly any at all) have an impact of the majority of site rankings. The sites which may be affected are, we have heard, on their own. Google does not offer support, but it does provide a useful list of guidelines.

The few changes that do impact some sites can pack a wallop. The search engine optimization industry typically responds with suggestions, ideas, and work arounds. Google then changes its algorithm and the process begins again.

What’s the fix? Our conclusion is that one may have to “go Google”. Embrace all things Google, and buy Adwords. Trying to outwit Google may be a time consuming and unrewarding activity.

Catherine Lamsfuss, September 23, 2011

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One Response to “Relevance: Once Ignored, Now a Core Issue”

  1. The Week in Search – Top Stories of the Week | The Latest in SEO and Social Media News | on September 28th, 2011 9:18 pm

    […] of the current situation about the search industry and SEO techniques? Let me know in the comments!Wow, to say it was a busy week in the world of search is an understatement. There was plenty for us …world of SEO, with it becoming more and more apparent as time goes on, the cross over between search […]

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