Oracle Plans for CRM Expansion

October 12, 2011

The consulting firm Ovum is weighing in on Oracle’s pending acquisition of InQuira; a move that expands Oracle’s CRM capabilities.  Read the full review at, “InQuira buyout firms up Oracle CRM sway.”

Oracle’s pending acquisition of InQuira is a sensible move, providing it with tools to help enterprises unify web information with internal CRM data and provide more targeted sales, marketing, and customer service. Although Oracle already had a partnership and integration with InQuira, the acquisition will ensure that knowledge becomes an intrinsic part of Oracle Siebel and Oracle Fusion CRM applications.

Just as every other sector of the corporate world, customer service channels will need to respond to the ever-changing mobile technology.  Oracle will likely bring InQuira’s information expertise to work alongside its already successful suite of process management and business expertise products.  The match is a good one and will likely prove fruitful for Oracle.

Emily Rae Aldridge, October 12, 2011


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