Spotlight: Mindbreeze and the SharePoint Vision

November 3, 2011

We read CMSWire’s “What is SharePoint 2010? Vision and Reality.” Overall we think that the article hits the highlights of Microsoft’s very popular content management system.

We found the “six pillars of SharePoint” in line with our understanding of the software system. In our work, we have implemented collaborative functions, portals, content management, business forms, search, and business intelligence. We noted this passage in particular:

In the 2010 release Microsoft greatly improved the functionality for creating and managing business documents. Organizations typically have two types of content: documents and information used to complete tasks and activities, and records. Records differ from the previous category in that they are documents and information that must be frozen and stored for compliance and/or regulatory purposes.

We agree and we think that this functionality can be greatly enhanced with third party components.

Of particular importance to us at Mindbreeze is search. We agree that Microsoft has made strides in its SharePoint search. However, there are important benefits that accrues to users of the Mindbreeze system. For example, Mindbreeze search includes the InApp functionality. The idea is that Mindbreeze seamlessly handles structured and unstructured information and data. Our focus is on third parties who need tools that streamline certain customized implementations for SharePoint.

Mindbreeze told us:

The new development of a highly scalable and likewise high-performance search costs a lot of time, resources and money. With Fabasoft Mindbreeze InApp software manufacturers, providers, integrators and developers can profit from the already proven Fabasoft Mindbreeze technology with very little effort.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze provides internationally awarded search technology which has been tried and tested by many users and can be simply integrated into any application. The download package includes the proven architecture, the optimized index component, the filter as well as the Fabasoft Mindbreeze – Web Client and the Fabasoft Mindbreeze – Embedded Client along with the SDK and the associated Eclipse project.

In short, Mindbreeze extends and enhances a developer’s ability to tailor SharePoint to the specific requirements of the client. The tools can be used to build complete, snap in applications for SharePoint as well as Linux systems.

Mindbreeze, a unit of the highly regarded Fabasoft organization, delivers a platform independent development platform. It provides high scalability and includes Fabasoft’s personal support.

To extend and customize SharePoint without some of the technical implementation hurdles, take a look at the Mindbreeze InApp development solution.

Stuart Schram, November 3, 2011

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