Now That Is a Blue Chip Consultant

November 4, 2011

Every once in a while I am asked what I mean when I use the phrase “azure chip consultant.” One way to explain is to give an example of what an azure chip consultant can only aspire to achieve. Navigate to Bloomberg BusinessWeek’s “Ex-McKinsey Consultant Banki Wins Release From Prison.” The idea is to be so darned good it is a crime. Here’s the passage I noted:

U.S. District Judge John F. Keenan signed papers ordering Banki’s immediate release after U.S. prosecutors in New York agreed in a hearing today that he may be released on his own recognizance while they seek to reverse the Oct. 24 appeals court decision that overturned convictions for violating the Iran trade embargo and running an unlicensed money-transfer business.

English majors don’t have a chance against McKinsey professionals. Back to billing in a nonce.

Stephen E Arnold, November 4, 2011

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