Mindbreeze Delivers More Convenience More Relevance

November 10, 2011

Our previous stories have highlighted the rapid and broad adoption of SharePoint following the release of its 2010 version.  However, SharePoint adoption by an organization does not always equal greater efficiency or productivity.  Enterprise solutions, such as Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise are built with the user in mind, greatly increasing the user’s perception of convenience and relevance.  “Stadium of More: The 2011 Summer Release,” details the many ways that Mindbreeze improves the enterprise experience from the viewpoint of the user.

A highlight is the Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Connector:

“Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise now supports Microsoft SharePoint 2010 out-of-the-box with its standard product functionality. All standard types of Microsoft SharePoint 2010 are indexed and line of business applications are supported as well.”

This tutorial briefly explains how Mindbreeze’s composite application allows the user to search and access all items to which they have access while remaining within the application.  Streamlining search and retrieval into the same platform saves time and aggravation.  Mindbreeze constantly verifies and updates access rights, insuring that each user is only retrieving results that they have permission to view.

Continuing the company’s theme of “Not searching, but finding,” this tutorial highlights additional ways that Fabasoft Mindbreeze brings convenience and relevance to the forefront.  Search restrictions are available via intuitive tabs.  Mindbreeze thinks semantically, allowing a search for “records” to retrieve actual records and not simply files names containing the word “record.”  More examples can be found on the brief tutorial.

Don’t make the mistake of assuming that “searching” via Microsoft SharePoint is enough.  Choose Fabasoft Mindbreeze and discover how “finding” can be the key to efficiency and user satisfaction for your enterprise needs.

Emily Rae Aldridge, November 10, 2011


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