Mindbreeze Demystifies Enterprise

November 16, 2011

SharePoint is supposed to be a broad-based solution to solve the enterprise needs of most users.  However, there seems to be quite a bit of buzz regarding additional trainings, conferences, and webinars geared toward equipping installers and users on the ins-and-outs of the program.  One such list of recommendations can be found here, at “Staffing is key to a successful SharePoint Server 2010 deployment.”

The author, Brien Posey, acknowledges that SharePoint 2010 deployment is happening at a rapid rate, but many are finding the process to be lengthier and more complicated than expected.  Here is some of his advice:

“The key to assessing SharePoint staffing needs rests with determining the kind of expertise required for deployment and its long-term administration, and then mapping those requirements to staff roles. Some of those roles can likely be filled by existing members of the IT staff, but organizations might have to make additional hires.”

Posey goes on to provide a lengthy list of staff positions for consideration, architects and administrators galore.  Couple this recommendation with the recent boom in SharePoint training opportunities and one has to wonder if SharePoint is not as effortless as advertised.   It seems implementation and usage are both fairly complicated.

We like what we are hearing about Fabasoft Mindbreeze and its suite of solutions.  Implementation is reportedly intuitive and seamless.  However, if problems do arise, solutions can quickly be found via brief tutorials or online training opportunities.  Don’t be trapped by SharePoint.  Consult the Mindbreeze suite of solutions and see if they might be the right choice for your organization.

*Disclaimer – Mindbreeze is currently upgrading their website.  Links will be checked and if problems arise they will be updated.  Thanks for your patience.

Emily Rae Aldridge, November 16, 2011


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