Social Media and an Enterprise Strategy
December 9, 2011
Social media is an essential ingredient to the success of any organization hoping to excel in today’s market. However, if not approached intentionally and with a plan, social media efforts can seem daunting and unorganized. Not as linear as traditional IT needs, social media has to be tackled with a different strategy. Jonathan Gourlay gives his insight in, “Effective social media strategy: A must for success in a social world.”
Enterprises large and small are embracing social media as a way for employees, partners and customers to collaborate and communicate, but many are doing so without being fully prepared. It’s an issue that many are finding costly in a number of ways.”
Social media must also be tied in to an organization’s overall enterprise strategy. While the two don’t initially seem to play well together, if combined with a smart enterprise solution, both efforts can be done with more ease.
Gourlay continues:
“The fourth level is described as the stage of enablement. ‘You must get here to scale,’ Owyang said. Enterprises continually measure their use of social media at this stage and are empowering workers rather than constraining them. The more advanced organizations at this level implement their social strategy across corporate functions, ignoring business unit silos.”
Take a solution like Fabasoft Mindbreeze and its Folio Cloud. ‘Fabasoft Folio Cloud enables quick, secure and mobile collaboration both internally and between international companies,’ explained Michael Hadrian. ‘Business processes with customers and partners cannot be realized any quicker or more cost effectively.’
Combining internal and external communications is key to social media, ensuring that dreaded social media crises don’t occur. Such a solution allows an overall view of social media communications, inviting participation from a variety of employees, but ensuring all efforts are moving in the same direction. When tackling an overall social media initiative, planning is key, and solutions such as those offered by Fabasoft Mindbreeze can help.
Emily Rae Aldridge, December 9, 2011
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