Google to Be Disappeared in 24 Months?

December 18, 2011

Ask a silly question. . . .

Well, it’s good to have a laugh once in a while. Search Engine Journal asks, “Will Google Be Around in 2 Years?” What prompted that query?

Turns out this question explored by writer Gabriel Gervelis was prompted by the Ted talk from Roger McNamee called Six Ways to Save the Internet. McNamee feels that index search is going down as a result in the decline of quality search results. Instead, he says, folks are turning directly to sites like Wikipedia and Twitter as well as to mobile apps for information. The article asserts:

The direct effect of this is that Google is losing the ‘biggest player on the internet’ status; this is something that they will not be able to regain control of. ’Is this happening?’, ‘What other ways will Google try to make money?’ I asked myself. After thinking about it I came to the conclusion that it is happening right now! Google is expanding outside of index search and ad serving to make up for the loss generated from this trend.

Yes, it’s called adaptation. Gervelis just answered his own question: Google will be around for far more than two more years because, if index search is indeed on the wane, the company will thrive on other sources of revenue. In fact, Google is kinda known for trying out lots of things at once.

. . . get a silly answer.

Cynthia Murrell, December 18, 2011

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