Forrester Predicts the End of Social Networking

December 19, 2011

Yep, ever hungry for clicks and buzz, another azure chip firm cooks up a prediction that may surprise Facebook.

Oh, no, another big trend is in trouble! Or so Forrester CEO George Colony would have us believe. “Social networking’s salad days are ending, Forrester says,” reports Stephen Shankland at Cnet News. Colony insists that the market for social networking is saturated, and people don’t have time for it anyway. The article asserts:

’We are in a bubble for social startups,’ [Colony] said. When it bursts, ‘this is going to sweep away some of the nonsense, like FourSquare. We are going to move to a post-social world that’s a little like the Web in the year 2000. A lot of companies launched, but they did not survive.’


Though Shankland says Forrester based its conclusions on consumer research, we’re more than a little skeptical. These assertions come from an azure chip consultant looking for angles. Data? Not so much. Insight? Not so much.

Interesting? As long it generates business, the azure chip crowd has done its job. Does this mean that Google’s play for social search is a loser? Forrester will elucidate sure am I.

Cynthia Murrell, December 19, 2011

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