Blue Chip Consultant Makes Big, Wild Prediction

December 24, 2011

At Beyond Search we love crazy unsubstantiated numbers — Here is a keeper. The Economic Times of India reported this week on the projected value of worldwide financial assets in the article Global Financial Assets, Including India’s to be Worth $31y Trillion by 2020: McKinsey.

According to the article, a report prepared by the McKinsey Global Institute, the projected worth of financial assets in 2020 would be nearly double the value of the $198 trillion witnessed last year. Emerging economies made up 21 percent of the global financial assets in 2010 and grew four times the rate of mature economies, 16.6 percent annually over the last decade.

The report stated:

Depending on economic scenarios, we project that emerging market financial assets will grow to between 30 and 36 per cent of the global total in 2020, or $114 to $ 141trillion.. China’s financial assets could be as much as $ 65 trillion by then, and India’s could reach $8.6 trillion.

Yep, global and trillions. Why estimate just the size of the enterprise search market when you can size the world? I call this spreadsheet fever.

Jasmine Ashton, December 24, 2011

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