ZyLAB on Disorganization

January 2, 2012

We look at the enterprise search forum on LinkedIn.com occasionally. We have noticed that “problems” are a big part of the discussion. If you are struggling with search challenges, you may want to consider that disorganization is an issue.

The ZyLAB blog CodeZED’s new piece about “Legacy Data Clean-up for Email, SharePoint, Audio and More” is making it very clear that most organizations are ignoring records management, policy, and governance until the last minute when it is often too late. But to what end? We learned:

Exchange server mailboxes and PST repositories are not designed for, and should not be used as, document archives—but they often are. . It is very easy for users to retain their emails, resulting in e-mail archives (PSTs) that rapidly swell to GBs of information. Problems fester because the information in these PST folders is often completely unstructured. For example, potentially sensitive human resources-related e-mails (such as performance reviews or confidential financial or medical information) are frequently in the same collection (i.e. Sent Mail) as other, unrelated messages.

It’s important to create folders and subfolders and make sure that your business utilizes software that relegates where an email is to go from the start. Keep everything organized, backup is key. When using SharePoint governance and organization is the key to a healthy happy system.

The same problems email faces are prevalent elsewhere. Always archive projects and individual documents based on your companies set of policies. Don’t deviate too often or it creates a jumbled mess that is more costly to untangle than it would have been to just do it correctly the first time.

Organization is the key.

Leslie Radcliff,  January 2, 2011

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