Googlers Want More Local News
January 3, 2012
AOL Patch must be rolling its eyes toward heaven. Patch, the local news vision, may be in a pickle. The rise of the Internet has lead to the decline of the newspaper industry. With blogs, television, and other non-traditional news sources available, no one seems to be interested in local news anymore, or so we thought.
According to the recent The Next Web article “2011 Google Data Reveals Searchers in the U.S Want More Local News,” this year’s Google Zeitgeist, a list of trending topics based on Google search results, found that in almost every U.S. city it looked at, the top ten local search terms showed that people were trying to find local news.
The article states:
It makes sense that larger markets like New York City and Houston wouldn’t be interested in local news stations, since a lot of happenings in those cities make it to the mainstream U.S. news on its own. The findings show that even though the Internet is vast, people still want to know what’s going on around them, and they look to their local news stations as a major source.
It looks like AOL had the right idea with Patch, but unfortunately fumbled the ball. Now the me-too champ is on the case.
Jasmine Ashton, January 3, 2012
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