Digimind Develops Social Media Solution for the Enterprise

January 11, 2012

Social media has infiltrated every aspect of our lives, be it personal or professional. The fact that anyone can leave a negative comment and blast it around the world in mere seconds means that companies need to engage with those individuals in an online forum.

According to the recent PR Web news release “Digimind Launches Social Media Engagement Solution,” intelligence and web based monitoring solutions provider Digimind announced the launch of a new social media harnessing agent for the enterprise called Digimind Engagement.

According to the article, Digimind Engagement enables organizations to utilize the power of social media and manage their online communities. It allows community managers, PR professionals and intelligence practitioners to track, measure and engage on blogs, forums, discussion boards and social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Patrice Francois, co-founding Director of Digimind said:

We are excited about helping businesses to revolutionize their social media strategy through a comprehensive suite of monitoring, analysis and engagement tools. Digimind Engagement is vital for companies who take their online reputation seriously and want to identify and manage risks as well as new sales opportunities. Our clients will also benefit from having on-demand access to real-time insights and analysis capabilities so they can respond quickly and effectively in the event of a crisis situation.

By finding a way to harness the previously unregulated created by social networking sites, Digimind Engagement is one of the products transforming content management as we know it. What happens if social content is filtered or censored? Interesting question.

Jasmine Ashton, January 11, 2012

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2 Responses to “Digimind Develops Social Media Solution for the Enterprise”

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