Personalization Equals Search

January 27, 2012

I am shopping. Who needs privacy? That seems to be the way most internet shoppers feel according to eWeek’s “IBM: Shopping Experience Outweights Privacy Concerns.” The article reports on a recent IBM survey of 28,000 consumers, most of whom were willing to surrender information on their media usage, demographics, identification information, lifestyle; and even location if it would streamline their shopping experience. Furthermore, explains writer Darryl K. Taft:

Consumers are telling IBM they want to receive more communication—not less—but they want it to be delivered through preferred media channels and in a relevant way. IBM’s ongoing research shows that retailers must provide clear compelling reasons to shop, deliver personalized offerings, and reach shoppers when and where they prefer in order to win over their wallets. And, based on the research, consumers appear to be more than willing to give retailers the data to make this experience possible.

The article goes on to note that the internet has empowered customers, who widely share reviews and influence brands. Retailers must target social media with precision, asserts the write up, the precision that only sophisticated social media data analytics tools can bring. And those tools feed on personal data.

I suppose it is just a matter of priorities.

Cynthia Murrell, January 27, 2012

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One Response to “Personalization Equals Search”

  1. united states history question on April 12th, 2012 4:10 pm

    This story is so touching and really affirms my faith of beauty and intellect not being mutually exclusive!
    And I think Isla might be next Nobel Prize winner:-)
    Thanks for sharing! Hope you are having a wonderful day!

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