Enough Already with the Books

January 29, 2012

The fire continues to burn. According to the IT World article “Google Wants Groups Removed From Books Lawsuits,” Google asked a federal court to dismiss copyright claims against its Google Books project by The Authors Guild and The American Society Of Media Photographers (ASMP). Google argues:

The associations are not proper parties to this copyright infringement case because they themselves do not claim to own any copyright at issue.

In 2005 The Authors Guild and The American Association of Publishers brought a lawsuit against Google in order to block them from scanning books and making the digital content available in libraries and online. They argue Google did not get permission to scan the books and by doing so they are violating copyright laws. ASMP filed their own lawsuit against Google in 2010 and the two lawsuits are being considered together. Interesting enough, Google did not file a dismissal motion against the Association of Publishers and it is believed that a settlement is in the works between the two.

Enough is enough, get on with it already. Hopefully an end is in sight because this fire fizzled ages go.

April Holmes, Janaury 29, 2012

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