Hot Company Financial Performance Graphic

February 4, 2012

Check out the informative graphics in Mashable’s “How 9 Tech Giants Traded After Going Public [Infographic].” On the heels of Facebook’s initial public offering, this write up examines the fates of other tech companies who have gone public. Writer Matt Silverman explains:

Given the hubbub (or the hullabaloo, if you really want to get technical), we thought it might be wise to look back at the history of tech companies that have gone public. The IPO is all very well, but how valuable did they remain once the stocks start flying? “The results, as our friends at Statista have compiled below, are mixed.”

Yes, some companies like Yahoo, LinkedIn, and eBay shot up in the first day, while others picked up speed more slowly. The graphs of stock performance in the first fifteen days demonstrate those differences.

Long-term success is another matter, though. The second set of graphs show how much $100 invested on that first day would be worth now. The big winner: Microsoft. Er, Microsoft? Well, that company is the oldest on the list, dating back to 1986. It has had a while to climb.

Cynthia Murrell, February 4, 2012

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