NASA and Innovation

February 6, 2012

Short honk: Navigate to “USA Kills Mars Missions.” Now NASA once suggested innovation, boldness, and a try-and-try-again approach to quality control. Remember O rings? If the news story is accurate, NASA is pulling out of another possibly bold adventure. The story said:

The American space agency looks set to pull the plug on its joint missions to Mars with the European Space Agency. Nasa has told Esa it is now highly unlikely it will be able to contribute to the endeavors, which envision an orbiting satellite and a big roving robot being sent to the Red Planet.

To make the story more important, there was a quote to note; to wit:

"I cannot pretend the situation is not grim," commented Dr David Parker, director of science, technology and exploration at the UK Space Agency (UKSA).

Now one must ask questions about other innovations; for example, the search and content processing system in use at NASA. Bold or mousey? The good news is that this pull out is an example of exogenous complexity, which dooms an action due to considerations beyond a manager’s control.

Stephen E Arnold, February 7, 2012

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