New Google Lawsuit Targets Google Tags

February 9, 2012

More legal hassles for Google, this time over little flags for maps. Couldn’t this one have been handled with a couple of phone calls? Online Media Daily reports, “Google Sued Over Defunct ‘Tags’ Program.”

The Google Tags program gave business owners the change to attach photos, coupons, and other information to their local listings. Rachel Frezza and Mauro Rodriguez, owners of two separate North Carolina businesses, have filed suit after participating in a free one-month trial. It seems they found some unexpected Googley charges on their credit cards. I submit that most of us have experience with “free trials” that resulted in errant charges. I never considered suing over them. Well, not seriously.

Suing Google is a popular move right now, though, and I suppose Frezza and Rodriguez couldn’t resist. The case could turn into a class-action suit. How far will it go?

Besides billing mishaps, the article states,

Both entrepreneurs allege in their complaint that the company refused to delete their billing information. They argue that California law requires merchants to delete financial data upon request when it’s no longer needed. They also allege that Google’s retention of the data places them ‘at a heightened risk of identity theft, fraud and catastrophic financial loss.’

Yeah, them and anyone else who has ever entered account information at a merchant site. If you want to protect your sensitive info, keep it off the Internet. Ever heard of a prepaid debit card? Problem solved.

Cynthia Murrell, February 9, 2012

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