A Corner for Helpful SharePoint Info

February 10, 2012

Johnny’s RIA Corner publishes some valuable information, like “Fast Tips for FAST for SharePoint #2.” However, we have to say that the site wins the Hard-to-Read-SharePoint-Information Award. The inverted colors are really hard on the eyes, especially in articles with multi-colored code. Please, Johnny, consider fixing this trendy problem.

The article mentioned above shares a couple of query tips. The write up states:

When trying to query for a document that has a question mark (?) in its name or address as part of a FQL query, you may notice weird behavior from FAST. . . . Sending the query as is, will cause FAST to automatically evaluate the question mark as a wildcard character that will match any single character. Since this is not our desired result, we need to tell FAST not to use wildcards in our specific string.

The code changes for achieving this feat is included in the post.

Cynthia Murrell, February 10, 2012

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One Response to “A Corner for Helpful SharePoint Info”

  1. A Corner for Helpful SharePoint Info : Beyond Search | Mastering Sharepoint on February 10th, 2012 4:59 am

    […] Award. The inverted colors are really … … Follow this link: A Corner for Helpful SharePoint Info : Beyond Search ← Spotlight: Project Task List Feature in Microsoft SharePoint 2010 […]

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