Facebook Reigns Supreme

February 10, 2012

In a world dictated by technology the latest and greatest products headline the news. Apple products such as the iPad, iPhone and iCloud continuously dominate the news and the attention of tech lovers everywhere. However, as captivating as these products may be, when it comes to internet searches they are not the fan favorite.

According to the Experian Hitwise article “Facebook Was the Top Search Term for Third Straight Year,” social media continues to dominate the public’s interest. “Experian Hitwise, a part of Experian Marketing Services analyzed the top 1,000 search terms for 2011, and Facebook was the top-searched term overall in the US. Analysis of the search terms revealed that social networking-related terms dominated the results, accounting for 4.18 percent of the top 50 searches.”

Furthermore, social media terms have topped the list for the past six years. It seems that social media outlets such as Facebook show no obvious sign of slowing down but in a world where it’s out with the old and in with the new it will be interesting to seethe data for 2012.

April Holmes, February 10, 2012

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