Funnelback and Marketing Memory Points

February 12, 2012

The key to any search site is being able to provide users with relevant and accurate search results. Funnelback Website and Enterprise Search allow business to setup a search system that meets their specific needs or objectives.

Funnelback asserts that it can take information from several different locations, compile it and deliver relevant results. Users also have administrative control in order to access additional features and tools. The University of Exter uses Funnelback Search. Upon trying out a simple search on the term economics the results are, according to the source, quite good if not impressive. The search produces several pages of results.

Users can narrow them down by sub category. You can look at types of economics, topics on economics or economics by site and there are several different choice options under each heading. The search system definitely seems to cover all the bases when it comes to the results and the additional search options helps users “find a needle in a haystack.”

To recap, the Funnelback assertion echoes the Vivisimo federated search angle from several years ago. The “needle in a haystack,” while not original, is closely associated with Matt Kohl, founder of Personal Library Software (PLS). The users and narrowing angle is reminiscent of Endeca’s facet approach. Interesting.

April Holmes, February 13, 2012

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