Enterprise Search: Details and Substance Required

February 13, 2012

A quick look at how to implement enterprise search appeared in CIO. You will want to take a gander if you are struggling as many are with failed enterprise search implementations. “How to Evaluate Enterprise Search Options” is a compendium of quotes.

However, if you want a meatier analysis your will want to get a copy of Martin White’s and Stephen E Arnold’s Successful Enterprise Search Management. The groundbreaking book appeared a couple of years ago, but it provides detail, recommendations, a glossary for anyone wrestling with search technology, specification, selection, implementation, and management of a new or refurbed findability system. The book description informs us:

The authors, Stephen Arnold and Martin White, each have over two decades of experience in computer-based information retrieval and in this book share both their practical experience gained through client assignments around the world and their deep understanding of the technology and business of enterprise search. This book will be of value to any organization seeking to get the best out of its current search implementation, considering whether to upgrade the implementation, or starting the process of specifying and selecting enterprise search software.

Yep, everything you need to know about evaluating enterprise search options, including a comment about desktop search. Check it out.

Cynthia Murrell, February 13, 2012

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