Interview with John Wang: Creator of Sensei

February 17, 2012

Back in October we wrote a Beyond Search story about Q-Sensei, a multi-dimensional information management company that seemed more versatile than Autonomy, Exalead, and Apache Lucene combined. Now, several months later, the company has once again crossed our radar. This time, they are advocating for the new open-source search software called Sensei.

The Sematext blog post “Sensei: Distributed, Realtime, Semi-Structured Database” shares an interview with LinkedIn’s John Wang, search architect and Sensei project lead.

Wang states:

Sensei is an open-source, elastic, real time, distributed database with native support for searching and navigating both unstructured text and structured data. Sensei is designed to handle complex semi-structured queries on very large, and rapidly changing datasets. It was created to support LinkedIn Homepage and Signal. The core engine is also used for LinkedIn search properties, e.g. people search, recruiter system, job and company search pages.

After describing the Sensei system, Wang goes into great depth answering questions regarding his reasoning for writing Sensei, what types of companies it would benefit, and its potential pitfalls.

It is exciting to see the growth of open source search software like Sensei to help meet the needs of an increasingly diverse customer base.

Jasmine Ashton, February 17, 2012

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One Response to “Interview with John Wang: Creator of Sensei”

  1. Otis Gospodnetic on February 17th, 2012 12:55 am

    One of us is confused. Q-Sensei and Sensei are not related.

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