Customer Service: Where Are Search Vendors?

February 20, 2012

To answer the question, search vendors are actually doing better than we expected.

Search vendors are forever chasing customer support clients, but what about the vendors’ own customer support? InfoWorld asks, “Which IT Vendors Offer the Best and Worst Customer Service?” The article reports on a survey recently conducted by the Temkin Group. Writer Ted Samson explains:

Tech vendors looking to bounce back from the recession might consider investing a few more dollars in improving customer service. According to a survey of IT professionals, most tech companies are offering merely an adequate customer service experience. Yet IT shops tend to steer their limited budget dollars toward vendors that offer not just the best products, but also the best customer service experiences. Even as large enterprise providers consolidate, IT still has clout — and is using it.

There were some intriguing results. The worst of the bunch included Fujitsu, which not only powers Perfect Search, but through its partnership with OpenText also affects Fulcrum Biometrics, Nstein, Collections Server (formerly BASIS), Livelink Discovery Server (formerly BRS), and others.

Microsoft’s business applications took number one (Fast), with IBM (OmniFind, Content Analytics) placing third. Other noteworthy rankings: Oracle at number eight, HP (Autonomy) at number nine, and Google just failed to make the top ten at number eleven.

Interesting. And what about those out of date Web pages and “press one if…” messages.

Cynthia Murrell, February 20, 2012

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One Response to “Customer Service: Where Are Search Vendors?”

  1. Tim Stay on February 28th, 2012 11:59 am

    Perfect Search is currently part of the Fujitsu NuVola Private Cloud platform. We do not currently provide search services to Fujitsu’s customer service division. It sounds like they need us though!

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