PLM Training Mandatory for Efficient Utilization

February 23, 2012

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a rapidly growing practice among companies worldwide wishing to eliminatde wasteful practices throughout the entire design and production processes.  Unfortunately, PLM works only as well as those implementing it are trained.  For that very reason PLM leader CIMdata offers training programs.  The recent article announcing an upcoming training, CIMdata Announces Date and Location for the Next North American CIMdata PLM Certificate Program, on, explains the importance of quality training for the execution of PLM practices.

“The CIMdata PLM Certificate Program prepares PLM professionals at several levels to successfully address the challenges inherent in PLM implementations. This assessment-based certificate program includes an intimate classroom experience, individual and team-based exercises, and individual evaluations of achievement. Additionally, the program provides participants with intensive and extensive exposure to a team of CIMdata experts. Upon successful completion of the program, each participant receives a CIMdata PLM Certificate and becomes a member of CIMdata’s global PLM Leadership community.”

PLM might seem like the answer to a thousand problems facing manufacturing companies daily, but without a total system overhaul it will do no good.  Data must be addressed in order for PLM to work.  PLM programs that fail to take into account the desperate need of every company to find, re-use and share data between departments will inevitably be a disaster.  The best advice we can give is for companies exploring PLM options to focus on those PLM providers with product data access at the core of their development.

Catherine Lamsfuss, February 23, 2012


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