Sales Needs at Accounting Consultancy Accenture?

March 5, 2012

Short honk: I am decades away from the Booz, Allen & Hamilton world. However, I pay attention when senior insiders perform a disappearing act and the top dog talks about the new guy. Navigate to “Accenture Technology Chief in Abrupt Departure.” The factoid (assuming it is accurate, of course) upon which my attention seized was:

Before that he [the new guy] also led sales at Hewitt Associates.

One word fired like a green light laser, “sales.” My view is that experience in benefits consulting is pretty much irrelevant. Accenture wants to ramp up the dough from its technology practice. The old guy may have known bits and bytes, but the new guy has the key qualification—sales. The need for sales reaches to the heights of MBA-land and accounting excitement.

Worth watching. Try searching for these high level partners. Not much there there, is there?

Stephen E Arnold, March 5, 2012

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