Mishaps at Google Apps?

March 11, 2012

More headaches are at hand for Google users, this time subscribers to Google Apps. ComputerWorld reveals, “Disabled Google Apps Account Deletion Mechanism Affecting Admins, Users.” The tasks of deleting and reactivating domains in Google Apps was handled by an automated mechanism until mid-January, when Google “temporarily” disabled it. The reason? “A related issue.” Um, o.k. . . .

The outage was only supposed to last a couple of weeks, but was still in place as of the publication of the ComputerWorld article on March second. Google Apps administrators have been receiving deletion and re-add requests faster than they can process them. Writer Juan Carlos Perez reports:

“Eventually, Google resorted to a manual process for handling these requests, asking affected administrators to report their domains in a designated thread in the official Apps discussion forum, where they’re then added to a queue to be dealt with manually.”

For users, the delay can impact daily business communications and other operations. Perez writes:

“Some users have remarked that Google could be doing a better job of notifying Apps administrators about this issue. For example, the problem doesn’t yet seem to have been added to the Apps Known Issues list.”

Does Google put users first? Hmmm.

Cynthia Murrell, March 11, 2012

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