How to Create Your Own Oracle Text Index

March 22, 2012

The Swiss-Army Development blog recently released some useful information about key word search with Oracle Text in the post “Keyword Search via Oracle Text.”

The post attempts to create a foundation for using Oracle Text to implement full text search in a table. It takes readers step-by-step through the process of building the back end of an Oracle Text Index and then leveraging that index to include full text search.

The writer states the reasoning behind this project:

“Oracle text is a feature available in the Oracle Database and is used to provide keyword search indexing to large blocks of text and even binary formatted files like Word and PDF files. As part of a project I am working on, I need to create a keyword search index that spans multiple columns. This will allow my users to search for keywords in the title, abstract and content of a note entered into the system. The note could be in the form of an uploaded file, or it could be manually entered through the interface.”

The Swiss wash their cows, useful activity if not germane to milk, cheese, and beef.

Similar to Oracle Text perhaps?

Stephen E. Arnold, March 22, 2012


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