Quid: Another Analytics Player

March 24, 2012

There’s a new player in content processing. Quid enters the market with big names and solid financing, too. The product description specifies:

Quid software is used by decision-makers running companies, NGOs, banks, and funds. It captures data, structures it, and enables people to visualize and interact with the information, to understand the global technology landscape. Teams can immerse themselves in and play with the data, optimizing decision-making about what to build and where to invest or partner. Quid software augments your ability to perceive this complex world.

Sounds like a valuable tool for those looking to invest in the next big thing. The software provides the ability to: map emerging technology sectors and identify rising stars; track tech R&D and breakthroughs; analyze white spaces for opportunities; and discern co-investment relationships in order to craft solid investment strategies.

We admire the company’s Origami-inspired way of explaining math and analytics. Very creative. Also, the “Life at Quid” page is well designed to entice potential employees.

Quid is one to watch as the company continues to move forward.

Cynthia Murrell, March 24, 2012

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