SharePoint Best Practices Resource Center

April 2, 2012

The official SharePoint blog, To The SharePoint, announces the release of the 2010 version of the Best Practices Resource Center.  The 2007 version was quite a hit, and Samantha Robertson unveils the newest version in, “Just Released – Best Practices Resource Center for SharePoint Server 2010.”

“We’re pleased to announce that we now have a 2010 version of the Best Practices Resource Center. Like in 2007, this was a joint effort between the SharePoint Customer Engineering team and Microsoft Consulting Services team for SharePoint. They drew on real customer experiences to help us bring you a set of guidelines that lay out the best practices for success with SharePoint Server 2010. Following these practices will help you avoid some of the common deployment pitfalls and keep your SharePoint environments available and performing well.”

The SharePoint resource center is no doubt a useful tool for organizations managing their SharePoint deployment.  However, if an organization cannot financially or organizationally devote a dedicated team to managing and configuring SharePoint, how effective can the infrastructure possibly be?  If your organization needs personalized attention for its enterprise capabilities, consider a third party solution with out-of-the-box capability, like Fabasoft Mindbreeze.

“Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise understands you, or to be more precise, understands what the most important information is for you at any precise moment in time. It is the center of excellence for your knowledge and simultaneously your personal assistant for all questions. The information pairing technology brings enterprise and Cloud data together.”

Security and compliance are held to the highest standards with Mindbreeze, but the interface is intuitive and the search effective.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze is extensible through connectors and scalable.  Available for the Cloud or for on-site installation, check into the offerings of Fabasoft Mindbreeze to see if your organization could benefit from its implementation.

Emily Rae Aldridge, April 2, 2012

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