Will Apps Kill Search?

April 2, 2012

Read Write Web recently reported on a new Pew study focusing on the future of information consumption and distribution in the digital era in the article, “The Web vs. App Battle Continues.”

According to the article, based on survey results, we could be looking into an all app future. By 2016 estimates say there will be 10 billion Internet devices in use across the world. If the population indeed hits 7.3 billion, that means 1.4 devices per person. Smartphone traffic is expected to grow 50 times. As we know, smartphone users download apps at rapid rates.

The Pew study notes that nearly two-thirds of those surveyed said that they use smartphones, tablets, and laptop computers to connect to the internet. Alternating between these three devices is most easily done through the use of apps.

As a response to this, Web architects are looking to build cross-platform, browser-accessible Web apps rather than browser-specific or native apps.

The article states:

Alexandra Samuel, director of the Social + Interactive Media Centre at Emily Carr University, notes that the challenge will come with helping consumers think about the implications of HTML5-based apps as a part of the Web. How will app users perceive their experience? As part of the interconnected Web, or behind the wall of an app? These are important questions to consider, says Samuel. Can the Web and the app become one in the same? And will the browser-based Web stand a chance?

If this story is accurate, traditional search faces a very tough future.

Jasmine Ashton, April 2, 2012

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